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Why Dating Smart Women Is the Best Decision You Could Make

Writer's picture: Tara Blair BallTara Blair Ball

Smart women will challenge you and endlessly interest you. Just make sure to check your ego first.

I’m a smart lady. I likely know how to spell that word you never get right. I can rattle off weird trivia nuggets like what the Romans washed and whitened their teeth with (it’s urine). I read ten or so books at a time. I can think on my feet, and I speak and write very eloquently.

In my thirty-five years of existence, I’ve racked up grades, accolades, standardized test scores, testimonials, references, and degrees, all to back these smarts.

Am I a domestic goddess or culinary maven? Not at all, but I’m a woman you can sit down and have a real chat with. A woman who will challenge and surprise you. I’m a Michelle Obama, not a Martha Stewart.

Sound good? Well, surprisingly, research states that men don’t necessarily want to date women like me, aka smart women.

In a 2015 study, men were put to the test about whether they found intelligent women — specifically women potentially more intelligent than them — attractive or desirable.

The findings were rather abysmal. 86% of the men stated before the study that they were into smarter women, but the researchers concluded that what the men said they wanted wasn’t fulfilled when they were faced with actual women who scored higher on an IQ test than them.

The findings showed that men who feel threatened by more intelligent women may, in turn, feel “less masculine” and decide that the ladies weren’t so hot after all. These men liked the “idea” of a smart woman, more than the reality.

The findings showed that men who feel threatened by more intelligent women may, in turn, feel “less masculine” and decide that the ladies weren’t so hot after all. These men liked the “idea” of a smart woman, more than the reality.

It’s the age-old problem: we don’t always know what we want, even if we think we do. It’s also indicative of gender dynamics and icky thoughts around confidence and power in heterosexual relationships, which still subsist today.

If you’re a man who feels a little threatened when you’re around a savant, don’t let your ego rule out a woman just because her brain intimidates you.

Keep reading for more awesome reasons to date a bright broad:

1. You’re smart too.

We’re usually attracted to people who are similar to us in levels of attractiveness, humor, intelligence, etc.

I’ve always prided myself on dating smart men. I find their brains sexy.Intellectualize for me. Pontificate about macroeconomics while I try to get a peek at dat hot ass.

The first time I met my husband, his hotness jumped to a 10 on the Richter scale when he talked to me about what the “development” portion of his job title meant.

If you’re mismatched with someone in any important aspect, it isn’t likely to last. If you’re a smart guy, don’t waste your time on women who can’t match you intellectually. Plus, if you can handle dating a smart woman, that means you have a healthy level of self-confidence as well.

2. She’ll enhance your life.

The other day, my husband asked me, “What does malevolent mean?”

“The root ‘mal’ means bad or evil, so it means having evil inclinationstoward someone else,” I said.

Not even a day later, he said, “Malicious has the same root as malevolent, right?”


“Hmm,” he responded.

We enhance each other’s lives. I recently learned what “ROI” and “blitz” mean, for example.

A smart woman is going to have some articulate thoughts about the world and what’s going on it. She’ll be able to match you in a friendly debate.

Imagine a great date looking at the stars where you and your special lady riff on about mythology and the cosmos and whether there is or isn’t life on other planets…That would be vastly more stimulating than learning what your date last read about the Kardashians, right? A long-lasting relationship can’t be all about sex, so you’ll want and definitely enjoy having someone you can converse with.

3. She wants a partner, but she doesn’t need one.

A smart woman isn’t going to waste her time grasping for other people to pay her rent or buy her pretty things. She’s not going to need someone to take care of her; she is going to want someone to share her already great and full life with.

She won’t be into you for your material items. She’ll be into you for you.

4. She’ll be your equal.

I can’t stress this enough: if you’ve been saying you’re a feminist, show it by choosing a partner that’s truly your equal.

Have a real partnership, and enjoy that the burden of decision-making won’t rest solely on your shoulders.

5. She’ll bring in the bucks too.

While this may not always be the case, intelligent women often are ambitious and well-educated, which leads to greater earning potential and career success.

Money is often a big stress for couples, and it will make things dramatically easier if you’re both bringing some financial wherewithal to your relationship, or at least you’ve got a fine lady on your side who can help you follow a budget.

Gentlemen, dating smart women shouldn’t challenge your sense of self or masculinity. It should assure you that you’re a smart and confident man who is ready to meet his match.

Just don’t forget to check your ego at the door. Smart women are more likely to bring out the best in you, but also challenge you. If you’re looking for a true life companion, I and my fellow bright broads are it.

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